Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tornadoes in US 2011

tornado in Oklahoma,Kansas, Alabama and the South

home depot after the Joplin Tornado. source: AP (


How do you survive one?
Essentially, by getting as low to the ground as possible. Researchers who studied deaths and injuries from the powerful tornadoes that hit the Oklahoma City area on May 3, 1999, found that basements and hallways were the safest spots in a home. Stay away from windows (and don’t bother opening them) and above all avoid mobile homes, where half of all tornado deaths occur. Cars are “death traps,” said the Storm Prediction Center of NOAA. Unless you can find shelter or drive out of the path of a tornado, get out of the car and lie face down on the ground. But don’t let prudence yield to panic. For all their fury, tornadoes kill an average of 60 people a year, fewer than heat waves or floods do. 

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